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Friday, August 12, 2011

Greatest Return on Investment in Today's Turbulent Economy

As the old saying goes "saving money is making money"  this is so true and as we are witnessing such uncertainty in the markets these days and so many investors are flocking to gold http://money.cnn.com/2011/08/11/markets/gold/index.htm  here is one of the greatest investment strategies you can make today (if your able to take advantage) either refinancing into the record low interest rates on a 30 yr fixed mortgage or buying a new home at these rates.  With historic rates and lower home prices available in the market, you can put yourself into a serious hedge against future inflation, which has already begun to grip americans at the gas pump, grocieris and other areas.

Let me explain, With the Feds printing money over the past three years at record levels under their quantitative easing programs called QE1 and QE2, we have seen the value of the dollar decline and commody prices climb steadily as investors move away from the dollar and move their investments into tangable commody assets, and why not since now that we really are on a path of inflation the likes many of us have not seen in many years, it only makes sense.  Now back to the mortgage part of my post today!  If you get locked into a low fixed rate mortgage, you will control one of your biggest expenses into a low payment situation ,which will allow you to have more disposable income to spend on all the other things that will keep going up in price.  As the years go by, your housing costs vs. inflated dollars will hedge you better and better.

The best example I can give you, in 1973 my mother purchased a nice modest home for $16,500.00 and her payments were around $160 per month, sounds pretty cheap in todays dollars, but back then it was a lot of money.  So their you go!  Think long term and try and take advantage of this unpresidented opportunity to either refinance your current mortgage or if you are renting, then you REALLY need to think about buying a home since rents will increase with the inflationary index in the future.

Feel free to contact me to discuss getting pre-approved to purchase or let's take a indepth analyisis of your home etc. for refinancing.

Have a great weekend.

Robert Bushnell.

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