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Monday, August 26, 2013

Federal Reserve warned of global risks to tapering it's Quantitative Easing Policies

As the Federal Reserve prepares to gradually wind down its stimulus program, some fear that the policy reversal could cause emerging economies to fall like dominoes.

But the question is: Should the Fed really care? 

That's the focus of much debate at a gathering of central bankers and economists in Jackson Hole, Wyo., Saturday. 

While the Fed was trying to save the U.S. economy over the last four years by pushing interest rates down to historic lows and going on a bond-buying spree, the value of the U.S. dollar fell, prompting investors to seek higher returns in riskier markets. 

Emerging economies like India, Brazil, Indonesia and countries in Eastern Europe all benefited from large influxes in U.S. dollar-based loans over those years. 

Real estate prices rose in China, Korea and Thailand. Stock prices increased in China, Mexico and Russia, and credit became far more available to borrowers in Brazil, China, Korea and Turkey. 

But now, as the Fed prepares to slow and then eventually end its stimulative policies, the U.S. dollar is already rising versus foreign currencies like the Brazilian real and the Indian rupee. Investors are pulling their money out of these countries, triggering fears of a panic. 

"From the Fed's perspective, communication about tapering is important not only to Americans but to foreign audiences as well," said Glenn Hubbard, dean of the Columbia University Graduate School of Business and a former adviser to President George W. Bush. "A lot of the reaction in emerging markets has been about what the Fed means." 

Here's how a crisis could play out: As emerging market currencies fall, the fear is that borrowers in these countries may not be able to pay back their dollar-denominated loans. Should they default en masse, their domestic banks could suffer or even fail. 

Meanwhile, just because their own currencies are falling, doesn't mean prices will be going down too. In countries that import food and oil from abroad -- often priced in U.S. dollars -- basic necessities will become more expensive to the average person. 

It's a recipe for geopolitical unrest, said Philippa Malmgren, president of Principals Asset Management and former economic adviser to President George W. Bush. 

"Ironically, they get even more inflation now, and this is a profound issue," she said. "People in emerging markets spend 40% to 70% of their income on food and energy alone. Where an American can grumble about their grocery bill going up, it's marginal for most Americans, whereas for emerging markets, it's life and death." 

Two papers presented in Jackson Hole urged central bankers to think of the international repercussions of their own domestic policies. Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, also delivered a speech calling for more international cooperation. 

"No country is an island," she said. "In today's interconnected world, the spillovers from domestic policies ... may well feed back to where they began. Looking at the wider effect is in your self-interest. It is in all of our interests." 

It's not uncommon for smaller, emerging economies to coordinate monetary policy efforts. Countries from the Balkans, the Black Sea region and Central Asia for instance, created a central bankers club that meets to discuss how to align their policies. 

Members include Turkey, Russia, the Czech Republic, Romania, Albania and Kazakhstan, to name a few.
"We have been coordinating policy before the crisis and during the crisis, and I think it is also time now to coordinate the policies after QE3," said Ardian Fullani, governor of the Bank of Albania. 

But for the United States, such coordination is not likely to be politically popular. Following the financial crisis, the Federal Reserve offered U.S. dollar swap lines to 14 countries. The cooperation between global central banks was "extremely successful overall" in easing tensions, but also drew ire from Congress and the broader public, noted JeanPierre Landau, a former IMF and World Bank executive director, in a paper presented in Jackson Hole. 

The discussion remains controversial because it conflicts directly with U.S. law. Congress has charged the Federal Reserve to form its policies around maximizing American jobs and keeping American prices stable. It says nothing about say, food prices or wages in India. 

"The Fed is focused, entirely by law, on domestic things and there's always been that clash," said Alan Blinder, Princeton economist and former vice chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. "Anything that pushes us toward cross-border cooperation potentially clashes with the Federal Reserve Act." 

If there's one key message that comes out of this year's Jackson Hole symposium, it's a new call to bring monetary policy up to date with the global economy. Indeed, the title of the confab is "Global Dimensions of Unconventional Monetary Policy." 

"Most central bankers believe that monetary policy is a purely domestic phenomenon and central bankers should only consider data from inside their own nations," Malmgren said. "The question is: isn't that a very quaint, old-fashioned notion in a highly globalized economy?"

Friday, August 23, 2013

Mortgage applications in U.S. drop to lowest level in two years

Mortgage applications in the U.S. dropped last week to the lowest level in more than two years, reflecting a slump in refinancing as interest rates climbed.

The Mortgage Bankers Association's index decreased 4.6 percent in the period ended Aug. 16 from the prior week, falling to the lowest level since April 2011, the Washington-based trade group reported today. The refinance measure declined for the 10th consecutive week, slumping 7.7 percent. The purchase gauge climbed 1.2 percent after reaching an almost six-month low a week earlier.

The average rate on a 30-year fixed loan rose to 4.68 percent, matching a two-year high reached in early July, from 4.56 percent the week prior. The average rate on a 15-year mortgage increased to 3.71 percent from 3.60 percent the week prior.

The share of applicants seeking to refinance dropped to 61.5 percent, also a two-year low, 63.3 the prior week, today's report showed.

Wednesday August 21, 2013, 9:21 AM

Wednesday August 21, 2013, 9:21 AM

Mortgage applications in the U.S. dropped last week to the lowest level in more than two years, reflecting a slump in refinancing as interest rates climbed.
The Mortgage Bankers Association's index decreased 4.6 percent in the period ended Aug. 16 from the prior week, falling to the lowest level since April 2011, the Washington-based trade group reported today. The refinance measure declined for the 10th consecutive week, slumping 7.7 percent. The purchase gauge climbed 1.2 percent after reaching an almost six-month low a week earlier.
The average rate on a 30-year fixed loan rose to 4.68 percent, matching a two-year high reached in early July, from 4.56 percent the week prior. The average rate on a 15-year mortgage increased to 3.71 percent from 3.60 percent the week prior.
The share of applicants seeking to refinance dropped to 61.5 percent, also a two-year low, 63.3 the prior week, today's report showed.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

First-time homebuyers face overly restrictive mortgage market

American Dream remains an illusion for some who want to own a home

Housing experts descended on Dallas for the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Housing America’s Future conference Tuesday, addressing the appetite many taxpayers have for homeownership, but the various roadblocks that remain.

President Barack Obama reaffirmed the American Dream of home-ownership last week, as he pointed out that one of the main principals of the middle class is to bring back equal chances of home-ownership. In planning to offer a single application for the 30-year mortgage, the administration appears to tacitly support the product. The private market, has it turns out, isn't all-in on the 30-year mortgage as is the President.

While the vast majority of American households want to own a home in the future, but with a shifting market dynamic, the key is to find a product that can fulfill the function of providing someone a home and also maintain home-ownership, explained Michael Lea of San Diego State University.

The group of taxpayers facing the biggest challenges is first-time home-buyers due to tight credit standards, student loan debt and limited inventory.

For instance, first-time home-buyers accounted for 29% of units in June, down from 32% a year earlier, according to Leslie Smith of the National Association of Realtors.

"First-time buyers have suffered under an overly restrictive lending environment. More than 90% of new home-buyers had to use a mortgage to purchase their first home," Smith said.

While the 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage is the product currently in place for the majority of Americans to have access to home-ownership, the majority of the panelists agreed that it’s not a prerequisite for home-ownership and other products could and should be introduced into the market.

From an investor standpoint, the 30-year FRM is a difficult instrument to fund and hedge, Lea stated.
Furthermore, as policymakers continue to roll out various options for a new structure to the mortgage finance system, one of the main changes is the need for a healthy secondary market that uses government guarantees.

As a result, various policymakers on Capitol Hill are aware of the needed government guarantees and have worked such a product into propped legislation — the Housing Finance Reform and Taxpayer Protection Act of 2013.

Thus, it’s inevitable that a higher degree of private sector participation will lead to an increase in the cost of mortgages and as a result, many are hopeful the government will price accordingly, noted Ronald Rosenfeld of the Federal Housing Finance Board.

Overall, access to affordable housing is critical for equal opportunities and while the 30-year, FRM was a tool kept in the government’s toolbox to provide home-ownership; many market experts are open to the introduction of new mortgage products.

By Christina Mlynski August 13, 2013
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